Standardized Testing
Fall 2023-2024 Renaissance Star Scores
Elementary schools in the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington administer Renaissance STAR Tests, a national standardized assessment tool used in public, private, and parochial schools. These tests are administered four times annually, which when reviewed in total help to understand student growth in grade-level standards. The tests are computer-adaptive, which means that score reports are a powerful tool in helping teachers to plan for instruction based on demonstrated student strengths and needs.
Students in Kindergarten take the STAR Early Literacy test, students in 1st Grade take the STAR Early Literacy test until they transition to STAR Reading and STAR Math tests mid-year, and all students in 2nd-8th grade take both STAR Reading and STAR Math tests.
The scores reported below reflect the first test administration of the 2023-24 school year, the most recent data available comparing St. Ann’s scores against all diocesan elementary schools.